Monday, December 19, 2011

Anti aging creams

Have you ever tried shopping for anti-aging creams and found himself overwhelmed by the large number of options available on the market today?

According to a survey by the American Academy of Dermatology, a whopping 94% of respondents are confused about very by the variety of prescription and OTC anti aging creams on the market today.

The study also found that 69% of the women concerned itself with the signs of aging, including wrinkles, drying and fine lines while 47% significant improvements of the skin around the eyes and another 18% want want improvements in the area of skin around the mouth.

Over the counter and prescription anti aging creams

There are AHA (alpha hydroxyl acid) products on the market today, the outer, dead layers of skin, so that the face with a fresh and youthful splendour remove available. Are also available in over-the-counter products traded with anti-oxidants and vitamins E and c.

There are also retinoids available to counter the effects of the aging process. This vitamin a cream can help to get rid of age spots, wrinkles and fine lines.

Anti aging creams: do they really work?

Some anti-aging creams are just like cheap moisturizers. They provide only moisture and grease on the skin, roundish until they make fine lines appearing skin smoother and younger. This anti-aging creams the application is not very visible to the eye.

However, the most dermatologists confirm that many of the currently used ingredients have given very promising results. The anti-oxidants, vitamins E and c are in particular, such as vitamin A and alpha hydroxy acids (AHA).

Note, however, that if you want to preserve the youthfulness of your skin, it is best, to avoid the Sun.

Before purchasing anti aging creams, some do examine, first of all its effectiveness. Never part with your hard-earned money without making sure that are that what you buy you will be fresh and younger looking skin for hope.

Anti-aging anti-aging eye cream, anti aging treatment, provides detailed information on anti aging, anti anti aging natural supplements and much more. Anti-aging is with anti aging skin care treatmentconnected.

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Anti aging benefits

Suspend anti aging conveyor slowly, and the aging process at times, to turn around. Improve attention, concentration, thought clarity, short-term memory, reaction speed and hand-eye coordination. To achieve these benefits, there are a number of artificial and natural ways, including diet and regular exercise. A regular routine operation increases your mobility, flexibility and reduces the pain with aging connected. Improved concentration is another advantage of aging Organizer.

Anti-aging-Veranstalter fight obvious signs of aging and help you fit and look younger. Some of the benefits of the aging sponsors are high cellular rejuvenation, reducing the obvious signs of aging and young looking skin. Some promoters aging users experience less pain, less stiffness, increased sex drive and pleasing cosmetic changes.

A special deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) share formula helps you clean up body tissues. Level cell aging is accelerated by excessive use of alcohol, smoking, poor diet and insufficient exercise. It results from the loss of methyl groups of nuclear DNA. Betaine (TMG) is a powerful methyl group supplement found in sugar beets. Youthful skin is a great result of aging promoters who maintained an average moisture level in the cells. Improved concentration is another advantage of aging Organizer.

Some human body secretions show anti-aging properties. Estrogen is a female sex hormone, which showcases some anti-aging benefits such as stronger bones, fewer heart attacks and strokes, improved memory management, thick skin, improved mucous membranes and high durability. Amino acids, an organic compound to prevent that protein networking and Chelation. Water, fruit and vegetables are good sources for anti-aging elements.

Anti-aging anti-aging eye cream, anti aging treatment, provides detailed information on anti aging, anti anti aging natural supplements and much more. Anti-aging is with anti aging skin care treatmentconnected.

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Anti aging skin care

Its first anti-aging product purchase will probably one anti aging skin care product. This is because, signs of aging appear almost always first in the skin: the skin is the most visible part of a human being, and it is also the part, which direct damage from the elements - Sun, wind, drought, cold - and toxins in the environment remains.

Damage to the skin is built over the course of time results in the need for a anti aging skin care product. As we age, cells change our skin. The protein collagen and elastin production is affected, causing wrinkles in the skin. Melanin, the pigment that gives his color skin will cause unevenly distributed freckles and age spots; Oil and sweat glands are lost, and the skin dry and thin. Anti aging skin products to recover diminishing moisture, fat, and skin elasticity, or prevent damage in the first place.

Almost every product, protects the and skin health promotes pulled are anti-aging skin care one anti-virus product - is the result of skin damage older looking skin. Anti aging skin care contains behavior things as well as non-smoking, to prevent skin from drying out and protect of your skin from the harmful rays of the Sun. Experts recommend avoid tanning salons, you drink plenty of water, a good quality sunscreen use, if you are outside in the Sun and with the help of high-quality anti-aging skin products.

The most objective of anti aging skin products nutrients to the cells, so that to heal after damage has occurred, and replace some of the fat and moisture of the skin that have been lost. Many of them are a sunscreen to protect the skin from other sun damage. If you can prevent some damage to the skin, they can not undo make it completely - as soon as you start to use, an anti aging skin care product, you must stop using it, in conjunction with a good anti aging skin care routine, if you want to keep a more youthful appearance.

Also concerns that the positive effects of a good anti-aging skin care product take a little time and are cumulative. Anti-aging skin products, who claim that they can make you look better now are probably just masking true signs of old age without any benefit to the skin. When designing an effective anti aging skincare routine, take time to examine the products you are interested in and make sure that to do what you want, and have a reputation for efficiency and customer satisfaction.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a healthcare professionals. Learn more about anti aging skin care product at the site AntiAging information.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Anti-aging skin care products basics

Do you know what is anti-aging? Aging is based on the development of the tissues and other items in the side of the body. Grow and cells die is a natural phenomenon. It has captured ways to slow down the aging process. Anti aging is a process in which you long time can remain young for one. And anti aging skin care products are here, you bail-out.

How does it work?

Anti aging methods can the aging process to delay, so you can stay young and fit for long periods of time. There are many types of anti aging treatment. One type is anti-aging medicine, improving skin texture and moisture of the body. Anti aging treatments can increase your energy levels and also your aging factors. Anti aging skin care products also help re - the body shape by the reduction of fat in the body. Today, people with natural anti aging treatment are interested in. Cream a mixture of protein (collagen) Empire and the living components is extracted from plants, a well-known natural anti-aging skin care, that works perfectly on wrinkles that occur in your 30s. Both men and women are equally interested in this anti aging skincare. But you should able to carefully distinguish, the treatments and know which is appropriate for you.

You can think on anti-aging cosmetic products!

There are separate anti aging treatments for each one according to your physical state and nature of the skin. If you comply with all security measures you will lead a very young life. Anti aging creams have become widely used products in the cosmetic products used for anti-aging. There are several types of anti aging creams; They are natural creams, artificial creams and the last important herbal cream. Some people prefer normally herbal products because they believe that herbal products no side effects.

We have the most comprehensive research to the best anti aging skin care products are made. Find it only on the anti aging skin products and reviews resource []. Find more anti-aging info on []

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Anti-aging skin care spread methods

In exploring the scope of the anti-aging skincare, the most commonly asked question is ' what skin renovation drugs so far proven effective '? Collect the right information with regard to the anti aging treatments floods the market the best strategy to anti aging skin care techniques, which for the aging skin is suitable.

Their eternal beauty back to skin and care go back your youth with the anti-aging supplements. Your appearance can improve anti-aging cosmetic products by significantly you nourish from the inside. And this is a natural process. No need for a painful operation to go. Anti aging skin products can dramatically change the way you are and let himself feel young. The aging process, you can challenge with anti aging skin care drugs that offer life your dry and oily skin. You can really stable of aging for a few years with anti aging skin care treatments and enjoy the excitement of the young people live. Try you, anti aging products, to alleviate harsh and dry your skin and offer to select adequate fluid intake. Make sure that your anti-virus absorbs skin and immediate results anti-aging products immediately get in your skin. Check out whether your anti aging is product hypo-allergenic and toxic not photo. Be careful your skin instead of it repair damage.

Anti aging supplements will correct the integrity of the internal system and take proper care of your sensitive and wrinkles tend skin. Anti aging skin cosmetics generally included active anti-aging components, to support the skin natural ability, removing free radicals, age spots and chemical toxins, healthy skin to prevent and improve your skin flexibility and elasticity. A good quality anti-aging product can reduce skin drooping and wrinkle formation. Anti aging skin care supplements works in complete harmony with the body, care and the necessary anti aging your skin make balancing glow dietary requirements and see young for a long period of time.

We have made the most comprehensive research on the subject of anti aging skin care products. For the results only at the anti aging, cosmetic product research []. Find more anti-aging info on []

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Anti aging skin care products - 10 frequently asked questions

Search in really some remedies that can bring back your youthful appearance, without compromising your skin? The anti-aging skin care treatment is the only tool for you. Here are some tips that you use with the correct anti-aging skin treatment.

Do you know the cause of skin aging?

The primary cause of aging is due to sun damage and to some extent, genetic factors are responsible.

When will you start aging process?

Normally, if you're in your late 20's or 30's, the aging begins.

What are the signs?

The visible signs are wrinkles, sagging skin, fine line, or even larger pores on the skin.

Supplements such as anti aging skin care liven up your boring and dry skin?

Anti-aging skin care supplements improve radically nourish your Outlook, from inside to outside.

What is anti-aging skin care products?

Anti aging skin care products to prevent General aging of the skin by a reinforced protection against daily aggression.

What are the types of anti aging skin care products?

Anti aging skin care products for men and women available. You can choose between cleansing gels, creams and lotions, multi active toner, face emulsions, shaving cream, shaving lotions, etc..

What is that under eyes dark circles, or your lips?

There are also anti-aging cosmetic products for the Effctive.

Are there separate anti aging products for both sexes?

Anti-aging products for men are specially formulated to improve the quality of a man's thick and tough skin when compared to a woman skin that is much more soft and tender.

What are of anti aging skin care supplements usually consists of?

Additions include a blend of herbs, anti aging skin care Minerals and vitamins, which are essential to slow the aging of your dry and boring skin and keep its youthfulness.

Do you worry about side effects?

Almost all this anti-aging skin care medications are enriched with the kindness of nature. You must therefore take no side effects.

Our experts have performed the best research on anti aging skincare []. Check it out on anti aging skin care source [] completes. More information on anti-aging on []

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Anti aging tips & techniques

Aging occurs due to the growth of the tissues and other elements in side the body. Even the cells grow and the as time passes "what nothing there to stop these changes" but this sentences is no more existing. It has found ways to slow stop and even reverse the growth of human bodies. Anti aging is a process in which a person can stay young for a long time.

Anti aging techniques slows down the aging process so that the person stays young and fit. The main part of the anti aging techniques is the nutrition that is taken by a person in his lifetime. Healthy food habits are the key to anti aging techniques.

Creams have become the widely used products among the products used for anti aging. There are sub types in the creams are natural creams, artificial creams and the last important one is herbal creams. Herbal creams are basically preferred by some people because every one believes that herbal will not give any side effects. But be careful that before using the treatment consult with your doctor or with your beautician so that it does not give negative results. There are separate treatments for every individual. As both men and women are equally interested in this anti aging treatment we should be able to carefully differentiate the treatments.

We should also be careful in using these treatments because supervision is a must for several treatments. And in some cases diagnosis is needed to know the condition of the patient. Only by knowing the condition treatments are started because there are separate treatments for every individual depending upon their health. If you follow all these safety measures you will lead a very good young and energetic life as you have lived in your youth.

Nowadays people are interested in using natural anti aging treatment. A mixture of collagen cream and the active ingredients from plants is a familiar natural anti aging treatment that works perfect on wrinkles in the skin. There is another one eating good vitamins rich food is a very well known anti aging treatment. As we have seen many treatments about the anti aging we should not get confused about using these treatments. These treatments are helping US to grow younger.

There are many types in anti aging treatment. One type is anti aging medicine it includes improving the skin texture and moisture of our body. The anti aging treatment can increase energy levels, sexual performance, immune system vigilance and they therefore work on the age related growth factors. The anti aging treatment also helps to re-contour the body, restore muscle tone and reduce the fat in body. The results through the anti aging treatment are wonderful changes in biochemistry which enables the look and make you feel that you have got back your youth.

If you need more information about anti aging pls visit: to learn more about various treatments for anti aging, kindly visit:

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Anti aging skin care products: Development

During the last 10 years more attention is paid to the anti aging skin care. Developments within this category were influenced by such factors as competition among the major brands, introduction of new technologies and new ingredients, as well as worldwide increase in demand for the so-called "rejuvenating cosmetics". People have no intentions of putting up with aging. Today they are turning to alternative therapies and anti aging products; However, they will not spend money on products which do not produce the wished results.

First anti aging skin care products appeared during the late 1980s. The first liposome ginger delivery system was part of first generation anti aging skin care.

David Jago, on expert in the market analysis for MINTEL, evaluates the changes, which have taken place since then: "At present, the special properties, ingredients and benefits of the products are clearly shown on the label." In the late 1980s, it was only said that those products were firming, softening the skin, reducing lines etc., but their functional ingredients were usually not disclosed. "Today's press often informs US of specific ingredients and their benefits, thus contributing to the consumers' education". As a result, there appeared a category of skin care products intended for specific age groups or needs. Usually, women aim at making their aging skin look younger, or their young skin - healthier.

In the beginning of 1990s, many anti aging skin care ingredients have been studied. The most important of those, Alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA), became the first ingredients to affect the aging skin. Sally Penford, of the international dermal Institute, a postgraduate training school for therapists, comments: "it stimulated women to start considering cosmetic surgery, glycolic acid peels and laser skin treatments".

Another "great revolution" in anti aging skin care has been in the use of A, C and E vitamins, as well as group B vitamins and main fatty acids – they all have a special role of agents preventing premature aging. Of course they do not make miracles, but can support the good condition of the skin. As skin ages and is repeatedly exposed to harmful UV rays, the level of vitamin A, produced in the body, constantly decreases. The slow down skin renewal processes and the epidermal layer becomes progressively thinner. Some of the research of the ingredients, such as vitamin C, which held in 1990s. Further, scientists identified two key chemical "helpers" to assist in the delivery of vitamin C through the skin.

The formulations derived from it led to the development of anti aging skin care products, containing vitamin C, and products, which contained a combination of vitamin C and pure retinol (until recently, it has been extremely hard to combine both Retinol and vitamin C together in a stable formulation, as both ingredients are easily oxidized, when exposed to the air, and become inactive). In the 1990s this care was already produced type of skin all over the world.

Further on a, great deal of interest in the anti-oxidants has been shown. A lot can delay the onset of aging of studies have been done which show that protecting the skin. The SUVIMAX studies in France showed that the use of anti-oxidants on the skin slows down the aging process. It is therefore possible to reduce lines and improve skin firmness.

Benefits of anti-oxidants were detected in grape seeds extracts. After that, cosmetic companies started using these benefits in their skin care products. Grape polyphenols are natural compounds derived from green grape seed extract which have been shown to have a powerful anti oxidant effect. They shield the skin from the aggression of a wide range of free radicals and are known to help maintain the skin's moisture levels.

In the middle of 1990s Estée Lauder has completed research into understanding more about skin cells losing energy. Dr. Maes, Vice President research and development, Estee Lauder worldwide, explains: "we cannot make the skin look like when it was in youth." Technologies can decrease the lines by 50%, but we will never decrease them by 100%. We have studied skin samples and found that its thickness is already decreasing from the age of 20. "In biological terms, if the cells are losing energy they so loose their ability to protect will themselves against the environment."

He follow this loss of energy to that of a battery running low which needs to be recharged. Thus, to slow down aging and protect the skin cells, manufacturers started using anti-oxidants, sunscreens and skin cells Jolla technologies to "recharge". They are described as a next generation skin nourishers that enable skin to tap into a fuel source of bio-available micro-nutrients.

The scientists have studied different types of skin aging and it means that they are capable of developing skin care which will effectively abate aging. It is recognized that 90% of skin damage is caused by external environmental aging. This includes smoking, wind, chemicals, and, most importantly, UV radiation. The level of pollution increases so quickly that skin cells can not develop self-protection mechanisms. Free radicals or oxidants are generated naturally as a reaction to the aggression of external environmental factors as in the body well as internal factors such as stress and tiredness. A consequence of this aggression is an acceleration of the skin's aging process. Most of skin damage is done in the early years and people do not see the results of this until they are in their forties and fifties.

The reason for this is due to the skin's chronological aging, which we can do nothing about. Internal, chronological aging is largely a consequence of genetics and affects skin all over the body.

Modern scientific research in skin care and the growing knowledge of the skin's physiology mean that it is possible to stop and even repair skin damage which occurs later on in life. Thus, the latest thinking and research is focused on developing skin protection not from a plain sun protection factor but from the cells themselves. The case in point is a new area of cosmetology (allocosmetics) and skin care products of modern generation of the late 1990s, which are based on cell extracts that have lately drawn much attention of scientists. Cells can segment identical copies themselves and Bugzilla reproduce, replace old skin cells by new ones of the same type, take part in molecular skin processes. This is what we call lifetime self-rejuvenation.

The strides made in anti aging technology over the past decade have been astounding and clearly show no signs of abating. We can be certain that there will be many more exciting achievements in anti aging skin care technology to come.

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Please visit Plazan skin care web site ( to find out more about our anti aging skin care products.

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Anti Aging Systems and Anti Aging Skin Products

The physical and mental decline that accompanies aging has been regarded as inevitable, however new research is appearing daily that challenges every belief we have held about aging. In our body's anti aging systems, oxidative stress tends to escalate over time. When a cell or molecule is damaged by oxidative stress, it malfunctions so as to cause additional oxidative stress. The downward spiral of increasing oxidative destruction and decreased cellular energy production is a hallmark of aging systems and ensuing degenerative diseases. The cumulative effect of this oxidative damage over time is aging, degeneration and eventually death.

One of the first and most important anti aging solutions to stop the aging process is Coenzyme Q-10. Coenzyme Q-10 is a naturally occurring antioxidant, which retards free radical formation in our anti aging systems. This fat-soluble antioxidant protects against lipid peroxidation, which in turn preserves the integrity of our cell membranes protecting DNA, proteins, and blood lipids from oxidative damage. Cellular respiration takes place in our lipid-rich membranes inside our mitochondria, and is itself, a source of oxidative stress and aging. Coenzyme Q-10 helps protect the integrity of this membrane and shields the respiratory chain from free radicals. Coupled with Coenzyme Q-10's role in energy production, this helps prevent the vicious cycle of oxidative stress, bioenergetic decline and stop the aging process.

Another anti aging solution is Alpha lipoic acid, which is both a water and fat-soluble antioxidant, thus allowing it to neutralize free radical damage both inside and outside your cell membranes. Alpha lipoic acid is made up of a unique sulfur structure enabling it to scavenge several types of free radicals such as the highly reactive hydroxyl and singlet oxygen free radicals. Alpha lipoic acid also chelates transition metals such as copper and iron, offering even more protection from the aging process.

The third anti aging solution to stop the aging process is N-acetyl cysteine, (NAC). NAC is a precursor to the amino acid cysteine, which is vital in the production of glutathione. Glutathione is a tripeptide, which is a major component of anti-free radical enzymes glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase. In contrast to glutathione, which cannot cross your cell membranes, NAC is efficiently transported into your cells where it is readily converted to cysteine for glutathione synthesis. Reduced glutathione is vital to antioxidation, detoxification, and maintenance of the reduced biochemical state (redox balance) found in healthy cells. Reduced glutathione plays an essential role in DNA synthesis, repair, immune system function and the regulation of healthy cell proliferation. Research has shown that numerous conditions are related to inadequate levels of reduced glutathione, including aging and the aging process.

Another anti aging formula is L-carnosine, which is a dipeptide made up of the amino acids alanine and histidine. L-carnosine in mainly concentrated in your brain, heart and skeletal muscles. It is a strong antioxidant and is involved in enzyme activity and heavy metal binding and detoxification, therefore making it a potent anti aging solution. Every cell in your body works better when it has optimal energy provided to it. By providing optimal energy, L-carnosine helps cells live longer and is therefore an important nutrient for a long, healthy life.

One of the very best anti aging skin products is vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis and glycosaminoglycan synthesis which are the building blocks of all connective tissues such as your blood vessels, skin, tendons, joint cartilage and bone.Vitamin C is essential for proper wound healing and capillary health.Vitamin C acts as a potent free-radical scavenger, destroying free radicals and thus, stop the aging of your body's skin and organ systems. Vitamin C helps remove free radicals from your body after trapping them in highly reactive singlet oxygen, which prevents new free radicals from being formed. In other words, vitamin C acts as an anti aging solution by absorbing your molecule's altered state and returning it to a normal state without harming your anti aging systems. Vitamin C also helps your body better utilize oxygen and is essential for a healthy immune function. You are as old as your immune system. If you have a perfectly young immune system, the rest of your body will follow suit and you will be as young as your immune system again.

With regards to nutrition as anti aging solutions,seafood, almonds, broccoli and kidney beans restore your skin's elasticity, renewing a taut appearance. Raisins, dried beans, bananas and spinach prevent worry lines and crows feet with nerve calming potassium. Poultry, shellfish, popcorn and cheese are all high in zinc, which is required for new skin cells and a smooth and healthy appearance. Yellow squash, sardines, carrots and apricots are high sources of vitamin A which helps carry oxygen to facial tissues, preventing wrinkles and unsightly, aging, scaly skin. Milk, tuna, egg yolks and salmon are full of vitamin D, and help prevent discoloration and prevent age spots. Other foods that act as anti aging skin products are oranges, potatoes, green peppers and tomatoes, which heal tiny scars, prevent morning puffiness and help your skin produce collagen. Corn, cabbage, brown rice and lettuce contain high amounts of vitamin E, which lubricates your skin giving you a soft, supple appearance.

In summary, it is reasonable to support your anti aging systems and stop the aging process simply by taking antioxidants to prevent free radical damage and incorporate a healthy, clean diet, rich in whole foods. Taking any of the supplements mentioned in this article costs less than a dollar a day, even if taking the most expensive supplements on the market. That is less than $365 a year as an anti aging solution, for a safe, effective approach to a healthy old age. These antioxidants will deliver a huge improvement to your longevity, are a safe investment and quite possibly the best life insurance your money can buy.

Dr. Stacy Foster is a naturopathic physician who graduated from an accredited university in 2000. Dr. Foster has been in clinical practice for over eleven years addressing all types of disease and ailments. If you would like to learn more about naturopathic medicine and natural treatments for numerous ailments or simply desire easy anti aging solutions, click on the links below.

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ageless Facts About Anti Aging

Age gracefully with anti aging!

Aging is an inevitable process of life. Whether we're keen on it or not, we may certainly age; grandkids will become grandparents. And as this fact is certainly true, it's also correct that changes can be noted when we enter old-age. With this, you have got to face the proven fact that your face will start to show its age. However, this is the reason why anti age methods are favored these days; not to put a halt to aging but rather, to let us to age gracefully. This suggests entering old age without having to look and feel old.

Now, there are lot of anti aging strategies and approaches you could use to fight the signs of aging. Let's take a look at these approaches:

1. Anti aging through disease Prevention. The single smartest thing you can do to live longer and healthier is to do all you can to stop disease and sickness. Age defying isn't about living to three hundred years of age; it is actually about living so long as possible in good health.

2. Anti Aging through Exercise. Exercise is another great anti aging tool, and not just because it helps fight off illness. Exercise can really make your DNA younger. This suggests folks who exercise more have more fit, younger cells.

3. Anti Aging through Food. Anti aging relies on your body having the correct 'raw materials' to fix damage and ensure everything is working right. Eating a solid variety of healthy foods gives those 'raw materials' ( AKA antioxidants ) to your body. Further, avoiding the unhealthy food means you body has less 'clean up' work to do and can target keeping your cells, tissues and organs in their best working order.

4. Anti aging through Sleep. Getting sufficient sleep has been linked forestalling chronic illness and even living longer. Make sleep a very important part of your life, don't purloin from your sleep to do other stuff and you'll be feeling happy and living longer.

5. Age defying Skin Care. The skin, it's the biggest organ in the body and the very first thing people see when they look at you. That's why anti age skin care is a market measured in the many millions because of the guarantee of youthful skin.

6. Anti Aging Hormones and additions. An anti aging pill would be wonderful as the majority of these additions produce hormones that aids in anti aging.

Now, speaking of anti age supplements, they are indeed popular in the market nowadays. These supplements, especially those with heavy levels of antioxidants, can stop the consequences of the environment on the skin and even reverse some of the effects over time. This anti aging effect of supplements centers on the free radical damage done to the skin. For your info, free radicals are cellular byproduct from the environmental components including air pollution, sun rays, and stress and water intake. The free radicals build up in the body over time and cause some of the most typical evidence of aging.

However, anti aging supplements help to rule in those free radicals and prevent them from multiplying at a cellular level. Slowly, over time, with the constant use of anti aging additions, anti age of the skin may occur. Those wrinkles may not appear so heavy and the fine lines less recounted. However the user of the anti age supplement should note that the additions will only work as long as they're taken constantly. Also, everyone has free radicals in the body, there's no way to escape their production, with the use of anti age supplements like antioxidants, those free radicals don't have to have such an obvious effect.

To sum up all, these anti aging supplements works from the inside to the outside due to the fact that they increase the production of anti aging hormones that will help you age gracefully. This is perhaps why these products are gaining popularity in the market.

To the contrary, while there are a lot of anti age tablets available in the market, it still pays well to make a wise choice, because not all products are safe to take into our body. With this, getting info about the ingredients of the product you select could help a lot. Don't simply rely on the anti aging promises they offer, seek proof and you may find the best anti aging product in the market here and now.

For more information about anti aging visit us at

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Anti Aging - What is it and How Can You Benefit From It?

The new medical specialty of anti-aging is the fastest growing specialty of medicine!

More and more aging people just like you and me are now wanting to halt or even reverse the signs and symptoms of aging, and to enjoy a longer and more youthful life. And now this has most certainly become possible!

Anti-aging goes way beyond botox, organic skin care products, face creams, or a relaxing spa treatment. It is more than merely trying to achieve younger looking skin and a nice external complexion. While a nice healthy looking skin is important it is not what true anti-aging is all about.

Anti-aging medicine

Anti-aging medicine is about extending the human lifespan and also about adding youthfulness and health to those extended years. Real anti-aging involves a combination of medical technologies and therapies used for the early detection, prevention, treatment and reversal of age-related disability and disease.

Anti-aging is not fiction or fantasy, it is now a reality as more and more people are now understanding that anti-aging is now an accepted medical specialty that will only continue to grow as advanced in medicine continue that will allow you to throw away all those useless skin care products for good!

Anti-aging program

I believe that a true anti-aging program should address all the causes of aging - physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual, and should include a complete holistic approach to halt and reverse these causes.

I strongly believe that the first step towards any anti-aging program should be a complete whole body detoxification. This in my mind is the key to complete health and anti-aging.

Without a whole body detoxification, you can take all the anti-aging products, natural skincare products, and use all the latest high tech anti-aging medicine and supplements you like, but you will not achieve complete health or true long term anti-aging.

International anti-aging

The growing field of anti-aging is now becoming truly international as now our aging population is looking for solutions to their problem of growing old and weak and sick. Who wants to grow old and slowly watch their body and mind deteriorate? No one is the answer of course!

As we age the levels of hormones in our body decline at a rapid rate - which then leads to the signs and symptoms of aging.

This combined with a body that is full of toxins and chemicals, rapidly leads to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual deterioration and aging, often at an alarmingly rapid rate.

A body full of toxins and chemicals (which in our toxic world is a very common scenario) will sooner than later begin to develop degenerative disease and illness which will further amplify the aging process.

Unless a complete whole body detoxification program is commenced immediately, the outlook I believe will be quite poor, no matter what anti-aging program or hormone replacement program is initiated.

Dr Theodore is an Australian Medical Doctor now living in Asia.

His Major Specialties are; Anti Aging Medicine, Whole Body Detoxification, Natural Health and Healing, Male Enhancement, Ozone Therapy, Fat Loss and Body Re-Sculpting, Exercise With Oxygen Therapy, Nutritional Counseling, Life Coaching, Meditation and Spiritual Guidance.

He has trained in Australia and also in the USA (Boston, Chicago, LA) and Europe. He is the Founder of the Asian Society of Anti Aging Medicine (ASOAAM), and a Member of the American Academy of Anti Aging Medicine and the World Anti Aging Academy of Medicine.

He is a Lecturer and Trainer in Anti Aging Medicine, Whole Body Ozone Therapy, Whole Body Detoxification, Natural Health and Healing.

His Goal is to Help Educate as many people as possible about Anti Aging and Natural Health, and to Help people stay young and healthy even though their age is advancing. To contact Dr Theodore or to receive regular updates on Anti Aging Medicine, please visit his website at

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Anti Aging Cream

The use of an anti aging cream can help replace materials which have been reduced or leached away by the ravages of the environments and time. Anti aging creams also work to repair the damage that weather, sun, and pollution can work. Many anti aging creams contain preventative substances such as sun block and moisturizer to protect and repair the skin. There are natural herbs included in some of the best anti aging creams, but again, you want to be careful what you use. A little time is all it takes to find the right anti aging cream for your needs.

Anti Aging

Many people spend a lot of time scouring the earth for the perfect anti aging formula including anti aging cream and other anti aging product types. Anti-aging creams are cosmetic products marketed with the promise of making the consumer look younger and reducing visible wrinkles on the skin. Traditionally, anti-aging creams have been marketed towards women, but products specifically targeting men are increasingly common. Because of the wide variety of anti aging creams available, there will be one for you, no matter what reason you have for wanting to look younger, or what problem you wish to address. Anti aging means you stop, or reverse the aging process.

Anti Aging Skin Care Products

Anti-aging creams are cosmetic products retailed with the promise of making the consumer look younger and removing visible wrinkles on the skin. Immediately after using the skin cream and skin care products you will notice renewed hydration, tightening and glow to skin. Every day, new products appear on TV, the Internet or in magazines, accompanied by claims of wrinkle-banishing properties. Products with collagen, retinol, and beta-carotene help to rebuild and rejuvenate slumped or sagging skin. Collagen is touted in most skin care products as the best anti aging cream you can use.

Getting Rid of Wrinkles

Wrinkles, lines, and spots have been an eternal, inevitable curse for as long as there have been human beings. Most men and women want to erase the ravages of time, remove facial wrinkles, and restore their skin to its younger days. Most dermatologists recommend a diet that is high in whole grains, fruit and vegetables for preventing or at least prolonging the appearance of wrinkles in the skin. The environment can make your skin dry, rough and flaky causing lines and wrinkles. Some anti-aging creams that contain all-natural active ingredients will work toward diminishing fine lines and wrinkles in just a few weeks. You really have nothing to lose except wrinkles.

When searching out an anti aging cream that's right for you, consult with your herb dealer to find out the various effects each type of oil has on different skin conditions. You will notice the difference after using a quality anti aging cream in just weeks. Longer term anti aging cream effects take a little longer, but is well worth it. An anti aging cream with non-greasy moisturizers can give you effect in a short amount of time, and should give you better results over a period of persistent use. The many advantages of a good anti aging cream can help keep you looking great and feeling good for years.

Dave Kettner provides holistic health products and anti aging herbal remedies striving to improve the health of others one individual at a time. You will find the best anti aging cream [] on the market that will help to prevent some of the most serious health conditions. Check it out as you have nothing to lose but your health.

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Anti Aging Complex - 5 Tips to Choose the Right One

It is true that there are numerous anti-aging products that are available in the market but not every product offers the same results. Some anti-aging creams are better than the rest. Because of the wide range of options, you may find it difficult to choose the right one for yourself.

But, keep in mind that an anti-wrinkle cream must provide with adequate nourishment, no matter the price or brand. In recent times, many creams come with anti-aging complex that helps reduce wrinkles and fight the many other signs of aging as well. Creams with anti-aging complex can really help restore the youthful look of your skin.

But as said earlier it may get difficult for you to choose the right anti-aging cream, to help make the decision easier, in this article we try and provide adequate information about anti-wrinkle creams and the ingredients that can work wonders on your skin.

The following information can help you pick the right cream with anti-aging complex:

- It is always wise to consult with a dermatologist beforehand to seek sound advice. A professional would without a doubt helps you find the right skin care product that perfectly suits your specific skin type.

- Apart from anti-aging complex, the anti-aging cream must contain minerals and natural ingredients that can help restore the freshness of the skin. Anti-oxidants, zinc, keratin, vitamin C, D, E and A are some ingredients to look for while choosing an anti-aging cream. These ingredients can effectively fight the many signs of aging and give radiant and supple skin.

- Brand names are not necessary, just make sure that the product you buy contains all the essential ingredients that can help slow down the aging process and give you younger looking skin.

- Make sure that the anti-aging cream contains SPF of 15 or more to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Excess exposure to the sun can lead to premature formation of wrinkles.

- Make it a point to apply anti-aging cream on a regular basis. And also ensure that you follow the directions given at the back of the product. It is advisable that you do not skip application. Whenever you travel, you must carry your anti-aging cream along with you. Having a consistent anti-aging routine would help you get youthful skin sooner than expected.

Go ahead and buy yourself an anti-aging cream that offers anti-aging complex to fight the various signs of aging. Take the adequate anti-aging skin care steps and you would soon notice younger and more radiant looking skin.

Read the latest Anti Wrinkle Cream Review [] of Natural Skin Care and anti aging creams that will support your skin natural ability to repair it self.

You can also read news and skin care tips on the best anti aging creams []

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How to Look 10 Years Younger - 3 Anti Aging Traps to Avoid

If you are trying to look 10 years younger or more, there is no shortage of information or products to help you achieve your goal. Nowadays, it seems everywhere you turn there is some new product or cosmetic procedure claiming to remove wrinkles, restore elasticity, bring back radiance... the list goes on and on.

But before you try that breakthrough product or visit that hot new medical day spa there are 3 anti aging traps you need to know about. Fall into one of these, and no matter what products you are using, you could be undermining your results without even knowing it.

Anti Aging Trap #1- No Passion for Anti Aging or Complete Acceptance of the Aging Process

"Passion for anti aging?" you say. "Of course I have passion for anti aging. Why do you think I spend hundreds of dollars on products and procedures?"

Let's make one thing clear- passion for anti aging and looking 10 years younger has nothing to do with how many products you buy or how many visits you schedule with your plastic surgeon. Passion for anti aging starts in the brain:

For example: Every morning when I wake up, the first thing on my mind is anti aging. I am constantly researching, studying, putting test ideas into practice to stay and feel younger and more vibrant. I thoroughly enjoy it and a day doesn't go by without me thinking about anti aging and trying to look 10 years younger.

Now I know everyone doesn't or even can't wake up with anti aging on the brain. There are kids to get off to school, jobs to go to, bills to pay; the list goes on and on.

But to really achieve any level of anti aging, you do have to have some passion for it.


Because passion for anything, whether it be looking 10 years younger, losing weight, or getting a promotion starts in the brain. The moment you set your mind to achieve something your brain immediately goes into overdrive coming up with ideas to bring this plan to fruition. Passion is the fuel which drives this process. The more passionate you are about an idea, the higher the probability that you will achieve what you desire.

Unfortunately, anti aging or trying to look 10 years younger or more quickly loses momentum. This is because many people feel there are only a few options to truly stay youthful. Once they start to age, they believe the only options they have are plastic surgery or Botox. Which brings us to the next anti aging trap:

Anti Aging trap #2- Overloading On Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Procedures

I recently met a 48 woman who was obviously addicted to plastic surgery. Her face was smooth, taut and unlined. She had no wrinkles on her forehead, around her eyes or around her mouth. But guess what? She didn't look ten years younger. She looked like a 48 year old woman that had a lot of work done.

Her face was mask-like, even when she smiled. You can see this look on a lot of celebrities (Courtney Cox, Nicole Kidman, Joan Rivers). Maybe that's why some people think it is the best way to fight the aging process. People love to emulate their favorite stars.

Now I'm not against plastic surgery. Compared to only 10 years ago, plastic and cosmetic surgery has come a long way in helping people everywhere to look and feel younger. And perhaps that's the problem. Because it has become so much more affordable it is now the quick fix instead of the last resort. Too much plastic surgery or cosmetic procedures will not make you look 10 years younger. It will however make you look strange, unnatural and like a plastic surgery junkie.

Anti Aging Trap #3 Setting the Bar Too Low

When I ask women what they really want to achieve from all the effort they put into staying youthful, more often than not most of them respond with the following:

"I want to look good for my age."

The only way I know how to respond to this statement is "Why?"

If you truly want to look good for your age, no matter if it's 30, 40 or 50+ then I say go for it. You could probably achieve your goal in a matter of months if you haven't done so already. But know this:

You will never go to a college sporting event and be mistaken for a coed by 4 different students. You won't be able to wear a mini skirt and look "age appropriate". (Sorry to use that phrase. I actually despise it but that's a whole other article.) You will never go for a jog and have 3 seventeen year olds on scooters ask what college you go to.

Why? Because "looking good for your age" is setting the bar way too low. Sure you look good, but only for your age. It's the equivalent of the comment: "you throw pretty good for a girl". You want to look good period. You want to look so good that no one can say you look good for your age because no one can tell how old you are.

I know plenty of women aged 40+ who can and have been mistaken for a college coed. Who still have the ability to pull off a mini and flip flops. And who have 17 year old boys waving to them from their motorcycles and scooters

Now that we discussed the 3 Anti Aging Traps and how easy they are to fall into, let's talk about the good news. Look at the following quote:

"Anti Aging to us is a lifestyle. My wife and I decided a long time ago that we weren't going to age. We were going to eat right, constantly try new things, take care of our bodies. But most importantly, we set our mind to it and I guess we're doing all right."-from a 52 year old man and his 46 year old wife.

This quote came from a married couple I recently met who I had guessed to be in their mid thirties. The man confessed to me that he was actually 52 years old and his wife was 46. I was pretty stunned. Being as obsessed as I am with anti aging, I can usually guess peoples' ages pretty well. So this really threw me for a loop.

This couple looked, walked and talked like they were 35 years old. And a young 35 at that. It was truly amazing and I couldn't stop looking at them.

So how were they able to look at least 10 to 15 years younger? Is it possible that they had some plastic surgery?

They were very open and honest about their beauty regimen and upkeep. They told me they have had "absolutely no Botox". And no plastic surgery. They both have skin peels every six months to rejuvenate their skin. They eat no processed food whatsoever and a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. They exercise 5 days a week, stretch extensively to stay flexible and agile and keep abreast of new innovations in the anti aging industry.

Everything they told me was fascinating and their plan was obviously working for them. But I kept going back to their original quote: "My wife and I decided that we weren't going to age."

That small statement is one of the key reasons why they are able to stay so vibrant and young looking. In their mind, they wouldn't accept the aging process and when they had that affirmation set firmly in their brain that set in motion a life-long plan of fighting aging at every turn. Once that affirmation was solidly in place, everything else that followed became second nature to them.

And that is the true key to anti aging and staying young and vital. Believing with absolute certainty that you can. So stay passionate about anti aging, don't overload on cosmetic and plastic surgery and set that bar way up high. When you avoid these anti aging traps, you'll be surprised how quickly your body and mind respond. You may just wake up a couple months from now looking 10 years younger.

Julia Cortman has been a freelance researcher for over 15 years. She became interested in anti aging and the aging process when at only age 30, her skin began to show the first signs of aging. This spawned 7 years of extensive research and the creation of her exclusive Anti Aging Formula and The Anti Aging Beauty Club. Visit to learn how her anti aging formula is helping women everywhere bring back the glow and vibrancy to their skin.

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The Solution to Anti-Aging Skin Care

The anti-aging skin care field has boomed, with hundreds of new products being introduced to the market on what feels like almost on a daily basis. This has resulted in what we may call "skin care overload." People have become overwhelmed and confused by the countless number of ingredients we are told are necessary for anti-aging. It has become impossible to access and apply even a fraction of these ingredients due to the cost and time involved. We feel compelled to buy multiple products every month and layer them on in order to do the most for our skin. But, as we fill our medicine cabinets with creams and serums, we are faced with the daily questions of which shall we use, which are safe and which actually work?

It has been long overdue that the various categories of anti-aging and the anti-aging ingredients themselves be ordered and categorized so that a comprehensive approach to anti-aging may be put into place. Firstly, there are many features to skin aging and people will show one or more features over time, but may differ in the features of skin aging that plague them. For example, some people develop sagging or laxity to the skin due to genetic factors, but may have little or no sun damage. Others may be covered with sun spots but have no sagging or wrinkling. The following is a validated classification scheme which allows for each clinical feature of skin aging to be assessed separately on a 4-point grading scale (mild, moderate, advanced, severe):

Classification of Skin Aging:

Laxity (Sagging)



Brown discolorations

Solar elastosis (Yellowing)

Irregular texture

Abnormal growths (keratoses).1

This classification scheme of skin aging includes a severity scale as mentioned above (0=None, 1=Mild, 2=Moderate, 3=Advanced, and 4=Severe) which allows researchers or users to rank each individual person's skin aging according to feature and severity. This scale was shown to be very useful in testing anti-aging treatments and has been published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.1 Older scales tended to lump different features together into broad categories, which became less useful as treatments became more specific in targeting various facets of skin aging; for example as anti-pigment or anti-redness or anti-wrinkle. With this current anti-aging scale, our anti-aging products may be quantitatively tested to determine which individual categories of skin aging they treat and how effective they are in each category. This also allows us to hone our anti-aging regimen to our needs and to compile or group the ingredients in each category that are most effective so as to cover all categories of anti-aging in a logical manner.

The next challenge was to classify the plethora of anti-aging ingredients on the market based on the features of skin aging that they targeted or treated. I then created a classification scheme of the categories of anti-aging targeted by the ingredients that have emerged over the past decade:

Anti-Wrinkle - DNA Defense - Barrier Fortification

Anti-Redness - Cellular Restore - Emollient/Moisturizer

Anti-Brown Discoloration - Damage Reversal - Pro-Skin Thickness

Anti-Oxidants - Aging Repair - Re-Texturize

With this classification scheme, we can appreciate why people have become so overwhelmed and why they have accumulated shopping bags full of skin creams in order to meet their needs! Nevertheless, as anti-aging ingredients have emerged targeting each of these categories, ideally one would want to incorporate the best ingredients of each category in a single daily regimen to optimally treat skin aging.

Each individual may differ in which category of anti-aging they need most, yet in order to prevent and reverse all the signs of skin aging, it is still optimal for all categories to be covered by an anti-aging regimen. It is important to familiarize yourself with which ingredients fall in each category, so that you can incorporate several of each group into your skin regimen, or look for a product that covers the various categories of anti-aging in a logical way. Examples of key active ingredients shown to yield resulst in each category of anti-aging include: peptides for anti-wrinkles, plant-derived polyphenols and bisabolol for anti-redness, amino acids for anti-brown discolorations, vitamins C, E and ferulic acid for anti-oxidant, DNA repair molecules such as acetyl tyrosine and proline for DNA defense, resveratrol for cellular restore, bark extract or phoretin for damage reversal, Helianthus annuus and Ilex paraguensis extracts for aging repair, dimethicone for barrier repair, glycerin and soy lecithin for emollients, hyaluronic acid for boosting skin thickness, and mushroom extracts and sodium lactate for smoothening abnormal texture.

In sum, the field of anti-aging now has validated classification systems for the various categories of skin aging and for the plethora of anti-aging ingredients so that we can assess and determine which anti-aging actives we want in our medicine cabinet and to make certain that we cover the various categories of anti-aging in our daily regimen. With this scientific basis, we may now intelligently assess anti-aging products for their ability to comprehensively cover all the various categories of skin aging and include the various categories of anti-aging ingredients available. Finally, these comprehensive, validated classification and grading scales provide a framework for solving the anti-aging conundrum with a system for categorizing skin aging and classifying anti-aging actives to make sure you cover all your skin's anti-aging needs.

(C) NY Derm LLC, 2010.

1) Alexiades-Armenakas, M, et al. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2008 May;58(5):719-37; quiz 738-40.

Dr. Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas M.D., Ph.D., F.A.A.D., Derm-Scientist®, holds three Harvard degrees, a bachelors of arts (BA), a medical degree (MD) and a doctorate (PhD) in genetics, is double Board-Certification in Dermatology in the US and EU and Director of her own Private Practice and Research Clinic in Manhattan. Her 20+ year background in research included plant molecular biology, cell and developmental biology, genetics, photobiology and mammalian stem cell biology. She served as consultant to L'Oreal, ran clinical trials for pharmaceutical and laser companies, and serves as beauty judge to many magazines, including Allure and In Style.

The go-to skin expert for identifying actives proven to deliver results in the laboratory, clinical trials and in practice, she developed a highly advanced technology 37 Extreme Actives® high performance anti-aging cream, capable of suspending and microtargeting the greatest variety and number of proven actives in a single cream, a comprehensive product logically designed to address all the categories of skin aging. The One-Step Skincare Solution? is the breakthrough that revolutionizes skincare and does the thinking for you. This patented advanced cream technology was designed to suspend and microtarget 37 potent actives in a single cream, which have been proven by independent testing to deliver results in all categories of skin aging.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

The Solution to Anti-Aging Skin Care

The anti-aging skin care field has boomed, with hundreds of new products being introduced to the market on what feels like almost on a daily basis. This has resulted in what we may call "skin care overload." People have become overwhelmed and confused by the countless number of ingredients we are told are necessary for anti-aging. It has become impossible to access and apply even a fraction of these ingredients due to the cost and time involved. We feel compelled to buy multiple products every month and layer them on in order to do the most for our skin. But, as we fill our medicine cabinets with creams and serums, we are faced with the daily questions of which shall we use, which are safe and which actually work?

It has been long overdue that the various categories of anti-aging and the anti-aging ingredients themselves be ordered and categorized so that a comprehensive approach to anti-aging may be put into place. Firstly, there are many features to skin aging and people will show one or more features over time, but may differ in the features of skin aging that plague them. For example, some people develop sagging or laxity to the skin due to genetic factors, but may have little or no sun damage. Others may be covered with sun spots but have no sagging or wrinkling. The following is a validated classification scheme which allows for each clinical feature of skin aging to be assessed separately on a 4-point grading scale (mild, moderate, advanced, severe):

Classification of Skin Aging:

Laxity (Sagging)



Brown discolorations

Solar elastosis (Yellowing)

Irregular texture

Abnormal growths (keratoses).1

This classification scheme of skin aging includes a severity scale as mentioned above (0=None, 1=Mild, 2=Moderate, 3=Advanced, and 4=Severe) which allows researchers or users to rank each individual person's skin aging according to feature and severity. This scale was shown to be very useful in testing anti-aging treatments and has been published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.1 Older scales tended to lump different features together into broad categories, which became less useful as treatments became more specific in targeting various facets of skin aging; for example as anti-pigment or anti-redness or anti-wrinkle. With this current anti-aging scale, our anti-aging products may be quantitatively tested to determine which individual categories of skin aging they treat and how effective they are in each category. This also allows us to hone our anti-aging regimen to our needs and to compile or group the ingredients in each category that are most effective so as to cover all categories of anti-aging in a logical manner.

The next challenge was to classify the plethora of anti-aging ingredients on the market based on the features of skin aging that they targeted or treated. I then created a classification scheme of the categories of anti-aging targeted by the ingredients that have emerged over the past decade:

Anti-Wrinkle - DNA Defense - Barrier Fortification

Anti-Redness - Cellular Restore - Emollient/Moisturizer

Anti-Brown Discoloration - Damage Reversal - Pro-Skin Thickness

Anti-Oxidants - Aging Repair - Re-Texturize

With this classification scheme, we can appreciate why people have become so overwhelmed and why they have accumulated shopping bags full of skin creams in order to meet their needs! Nevertheless, as anti-aging ingredients have emerged targeting each of these categories, ideally one would want to incorporate the best ingredients of each category in a single daily regimen to optimally treat skin aging.

Each individual may differ in which category of anti-aging they need most, yet in order to prevent and reverse all the signs of skin aging, it is still optimal for all categories to be covered by an anti-aging regimen. It is important to familiarize yourself with which ingredients fall in each category, so that you can incorporate several of each group into your skin regimen, or look for a product that covers the various categories of anti-aging in a logical way. Examples of key active ingredients shown to yield resulst in each category of anti-aging include: peptides for anti-wrinkles, plant-derived polyphenols and bisabolol for anti-redness, amino acids for anti-brown discolorations, vitamins C, E and ferulic acid for anti-oxidant, DNA repair molecules such as acetyl tyrosine and proline for DNA defense, resveratrol for cellular restore, bark extract or phoretin for damage reversal, Helianthus annuus and Ilex paraguensis extracts for aging repair, dimethicone for barrier repair, glycerin and soy lecithin for emollients, hyaluronic acid for boosting skin thickness, and mushroom extracts and sodium lactate for smoothening abnormal texture.

In sum, the field of anti-aging now has validated classification systems for the various categories of skin aging and for the plethora of anti-aging ingredients so that we can assess and determine which anti-aging actives we want in our medicine cabinet and to make certain that we cover the various categories of anti-aging in our daily regimen. With this scientific basis, we may now intelligently assess anti-aging products for their ability to comprehensively cover all the various categories of skin aging and include the various categories of anti-aging ingredients available. Finally, these comprehensive, validated classification and grading scales provide a framework for solving the anti-aging conundrum with a system for categorizing skin aging and classifying anti-aging actives to make sure you cover all your skin's anti-aging needs.

(C) NY Derm LLC, 2010.

1) Alexiades-Armenakas, M, et al. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2008 May;58(5):719-37; quiz 738-40.

Dr. Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas M.D., Ph.D., F.A.A.D., Derm-Scientist®, holds three Harvard degrees, a bachelors of arts (BA), a medical degree (MD) and a doctorate (PhD) in genetics, is double Board-Certification in Dermatology in the US and EU and Director of her own Private Practice and Research Clinic in Manhattan. Her 20+ year background in research included plant molecular biology, cell and developmental biology, genetics, photobiology and mammalian stem cell biology. She served as consultant to L'Oreal, ran clinical trials for pharmaceutical and laser companies, and serves as beauty judge to many magazines, including Allure and In Style.

The go-to skin expert for identifying actives proven to deliver results in the laboratory, clinical trials and in practice, she developed a highly advanced technology 37 Extreme Actives® high performance anti-aging cream, capable of suspending and microtargeting the greatest variety and number of proven actives in a single cream, a comprehensive product logically designed to address all the categories of skin aging. The One-Step Skincare Solution? is the breakthrough that revolutionizes skincare and does the thinking for you. This patented advanced cream technology was designed to suspend and microtarget 37 potent actives in a single cream, which have been proven by independent testing to deliver results in all categories of skin aging.

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Anti-Aging Programs - Eight Major Factors to Consider

Rev Up Your Metabolism

Aging is accompanied by a decrease in your metabolic rate and an associated increase in your fat storage. As such, your body fails to burn excess fat as we grow older. To combat this anti-aging effect we need to control our metabolic rate by increasing daily activities. The best way to do this is to perform a 20 minute cardiovascular fitness program a few days a week to help rev up your metabolism. The best time to perform this fat burning workout is when you wake and before breakfast. This is the perfect time to workout because while you slept, your body depleted all the carbohydrates in your system, and since you have an empty stomach your body is forced to use your fat stores to provide energy for the workout.

Keep Your Heart Strong

Growing older also means a reduction in the ability of the heart to pump blood through the circulatory system. In addition, build up in the arteries also contributes to this reduced ability. Since your heart is a muscle its function and circulatory capability can be improved by aerobic exercise. Remember to always consult your doctor when starting any fitness program. However, I once heard a doctor say that if they could put exercise into a pill form, it would be the most prescribed pill known to mankind. As such, using exercise to keep the heart strong is an important factor in any anti-aging program.

Your Brain is a Muscle Too!

Anti-aging research has shown that memory capacity declines if the brain is not involved in mental functions. Mental inactivity causes poor memory function or in some cases memory loss. Playing games, participating in social activities, problem solving, reading and writing will all help "exercise" the brain. Exercising your brain will not only improve cognitive function but will also help eliminate boredom and depression.

Lung Capacity

Did you know that the oxygen uptake test, the one where they measure your lung capacity while your on a treadmill, is so accurate that if they gave a group of people the test and then had that same group run a distance race they could predict how each individual would place in the race before the race ended. With aging comes a reduced elasticity of the lungs and thus a reduced oxygen uptake or breathing capacity. Aerobic or cardiovascular exercise is an anti-aging solution that will increase the breathing capacity of the lungs.

Increase Your Lean Tissue or Muscle Mass

As you age your metabolism slows and you begin to lose muscle. Actually, muscle loss is a symptom of aging. However, you can increase muscle mass, burn fat, and increase your metabolism all at the same time. This is accomplished through an aerobic weight training workout. By using light weights that you can repeat 12 to 15 times per muscle group you will not only increase muscle mass and metabolic rate but also reduce fat stores. In addition, strength training exercises will increase your lean tissue which in turn increases your basal (resting) metabolic rate. Combining an aerobic weight training workout with a diet high in protein and low in fat is a good start for any anti-aging fitness program.

Stay Flexible

Stretching should be a part of any natural anti-aging fitness program. You not only warm up your muscles for the workout but also prevent any unnecessary injuries during the workout. Staying flexible will also eliminate any muscle cramping that is sometimes associated with aging. Moreover, being limber helps you perform better in your day to day anti-aging activities.

Your View of Yourself

Does growing old mean avoiding the bathroom scale or looking into a mirror? The way you perceive yourself is very important to your overall physical, mental and spiritual self. People are flocking to doctors for expanding waistlines and hair loss. Their buying anti-aging skin care products and cosmetics for younger looking skin and the list goes on. Your long-term whole-body physical, mental and spiritual picture of yourself is an important factor of your anti-aging program.

Bridge the Gap

Taking the steps necessary to take care of yourself will help you "bridge the gap" to a longer life. Developing a solid anti-aging program and strategy is essential. Without a plan or a process things are just left up to chance. You yourself can only implement the steps that will take you down the path of becoming a centenarian.

In conclusion, anti-aging overall is multidisciplinary. It involves, in part, the 12 factors discussed here but also total whole-body wellness and longevity. It involves incorporating the ingredients of wellness and longevity into your lifestyle. Anti-aging is an individual process - you decide what ingredients are part of the program. Anti-aging is what makes you feel good. It is what makes you "anti-age"!

Read more essential anti-aging information at a favorite website for topics like Anti-Aging Skin Care [] as well as general anti-aging lifestyle tips including Anti-Aging Diet and Fitness [] resources.

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Anti Aging - Skin Care For Youthful Looking Skin

Anti aging is a bit of a misnomer and I've yet to meet anyone who has turned back the hands of time. However, as we age our skin becomes depleted of nourishment and hydration which leads to pre-mature skin aging. Anti aging skin care products are formulated to renew and reclaim our youthful appearance. Through a combination of hydration, protection with antioxidants, and anti wrinkle creams and moisturizers, those of us in the baby-boomer stage of life can add years to aging or damaged skin.

Anti aging skin care begins with several fundamentals we should all follow together with the use of effective skin care products. Diet, fitness and health, together with maintaining proper hydration for healthy cell membranes and a bit of scientific "know-how", allows us to look years younger, slow or halt pre-mature aging, improve suppleness and smoothness, and somewhat "turn back the hands of time".

Keeping Your Skin Clean

As simple as this may sound, many skin problems result from lack of proper cleansing. Clogged pores can cause skin rashes, rosacea, blackheads and whiteheads, and prevent the proper irrigation of pores. Dermal layers require adequate moisture andcirculation; and nutrition can be hampered without proper cleansing. As part of a daily skin care regimen, using a facial cleanser in the morning and at night before bed is recommended. Avoid cleansers with harsh surfactants that may irritate the skin - this only worsens the problem and my offset gains from products formulated to treat or protect.

Oily or dry skin may need special attention, but a good, deep cleaning, removing makeup and pat drying are the first best steps towards protecting your skin from aging quicker than you would like.

Hydrating Your Skin

You have probably heard by now that our bodies are made-up in large part of water. Water is the primary component of skin cells, so it holds true that proper hydration is important. Moisture content directly effects healthy cell maturation and development, while improving circulation and delivery of nutrients. Maintaining adeqaute levels of bodily fluids is a must. As the doctor says, drink plenty of fluids and avoid liquids high in caffeine and sugar. Caffeine is a diuretic that acts to deplete fluids and sugar is known to increase metabolism, both flushing nutrients and reducing fluid levels. It goes without saying diet and regular exercise and stopping smoking (if you do) are hugely helpful.

Anti Aging Skin Care

Though anti aging covers a broad topic, to keep the conversation succinct and to focus on the most effective products, anti aging skin care can be categorized into a relatively small group:

Wrinkle Treatment
Antioxidant Skin Care
Age Spots
Dry Skin
Enlarged Pores
Body Firming
Spider Veins
Stretch Marks

Granted this is not an all encompassing list, but it covers many of the skin care issues we face as we age. Skin care is fundamentally developed to address symptoms, but effective products can remedy the causes as well. Let's take a closer look look at anti aging skin care and how it can help in our anti aging "quest".

Wrinkle treatment comes primarily in the form of wrinkle creams formulated to reduce the density and depth of wrinkles. Many provide added hydration that acts to reinforce and provide nutrients to cell membranes - improving the skin's health, while improving healthy cell rejuvenation. Argireline and Matrixyl are two of the most commonly used active ingredients. These peptide compounds act similar to BOTOX in that they relax facial tissue - smoothing wrinkled skin and eliminating fine lines. Many are somewhat temporary in nature, though consistent use will aid to further prevent wrinkles. Common in anti wrinkle eye and face cream, Argireline and Matrixyl are also effective for use on the neck (where my wrinkles started) and on the chest. Hyaluronic Acid is alo useful in wrinkle treatment. Hyaluronic Acid is a naturally occurring substance in our bodies. It helps cells retain moisture and acts to plump and smooth. Used as an active ingredient in wrinkle creams, it has a cumulative effect in relaxing and smoothing wrinkles.

Antoxidant skin care should not be overlooked. Free-radicals produced from naturally occuring oxidization destroys cells - and are especially fond of skin cells. Antoxidants are common in many fruits and vegetables. In particular, Green Tea, Idebenone and coffee. All three have found themselves as popular ingredients in anti aging skin care. Green Tea in particular is promoted in both consumables (tea), moisturizers, and topical serum applications. Free-radicals, in a nut shell, lead to pre-mature skin aging and can be accelerated if you smoke or are over exposed to the sun. Using an antioxidant as part of your anti aging program is a great step in the right direction.

I turned 50 last year...mmm...I still feel 30, but I've started noticing some things on my skin that I only linked to my grandmother - age spots. As we age melanin pigment in our skin loses its ability to protect from sun damage, thus dark, brown or age spots appear. Bleaching or skin whitening creams can be effective reducing the appearance of age spots, but should be used with care. Many whitening agents make skin sensitive - and sensitive to the sun. Also, use should be confined to the age spots themselves, unless used in light(er) formulations for overall skin lightening.

Dry skin is the hidden villain of aging skin. As we age our skin naturally loses moisture, the ability to retain hydration, and this leads to amplifying other skin problems such as, wrinkles, rashes, and psoriasis. Using a nightly cream that moisturizes is the best advice. Avoid the sun, drink plenty of fluids, and attempt to eat fruits and raw vegetables if possible. As mentioned, many products utilize Hyaluronic Acid to aid moisture retention. Often found in face applications, it is also used successfully in body lotions and creams. In the past couple of years, Emu Oil has also become a favorite in anti aging skin care. Emu Oil is known to penetrate into the dermis and subcutaneous skin layers and is super-moisturizer. It also has anti-inflammatory properties as well as being an antibacterial. It has carrier benefits allowing it to "carry" other anti aging ingredients deeper into the skin - improving their effectiveness. Like Hyaluronic Acid, it can be found in body lotions and creams for the eyes and face.

Enlarged pores create havoc on the face. A result of heredity, clogged pores, or excessive oils, enlarged pores accumulated dirt, oil and dead skin cells. Often they lead to rough skin, bacterial infections, blemishes, swelling and irritation, inflammation, or acne and rosacea. Daily and effective cleansing usually helps reduce pore size and irrigates bacteria-laden pores. Light use of makeup or using mineral makeup that does not irritate the skin and cause inflammation are recommended. Many skin care products use either Emu oil or Alpha Hydroxy crystals to clean bacteria and reduce pore size. Both are effective active ingredients and when used in concert, help clean and clear your complexion and make skin pores smaller.

Ah...if you're still with me, there are just a few items to cover - but, they are the top-three on the countdown list. Let's start by discussing body firming lotions. Again, I know you're tired of hearing this, as we age our skin loses elasticity and elastin fiber production drops. So?...well, this causes loose skin. Outside the more obvious causes of lack of exercise and diet, collagen production and elastin development diminishes. Combined with depleted hydration, you get a one-two punch for loose and sagging skin. To get skin tight, body firming lotions use a complex of ingredients that firm and tighten skin, improve hydration, and nourish for optimal cell reproduction. Many body firming lotions use Collagen III, Emu Oil, a firming peptide complex, and nutrients and amino acids that act together to firm sagging skin. Particularly useful on the arms, stomach, neck, and legs, these lotions tighten skin while adding moisturization.

Spider veins are generally the result of several common occurrences - weight gain, pregnancy, having work responsibilities that require you to be on your feet a lot, or often from sun exposure - especially facial spider viens. Considered a result of damaged or weak veins and capillaries, spider veins occur when damaged valves allow blood flow to get in, but not get out. Weight gain and gravity complicate the problem and in some respects may contribute to the problem. Anti aging skin care focuses on two results. One, healing or strengthening the vessel walls. There are several active ingredients considered useful in helping the vessels and restoring healthy walls, but Vitamin k is consider the most effective currently. Two, you can cover them up. Repairing spider veins usually requires a spider veins cream or a spider veins treatment. In fact, I had several facial spider veins removed from below my eyes and at the top of my nose with laser treatment - the result of too many days in the Florida sun growing up, per my dermatologist. But, I have had great success using a cream enriched with Vitamin K and have experienced measurable and noticeabole clearing since use. But, back to covering them up. Many folks have begun using spray-on pantyhose (men and women) to add some tint and color to their legs as the warmer seasons approach. Many spray-ons are formulated to not run when wet or to give you a weird coloring. Often available in a variety of shades, they can be chosen to give you a hint of color that matches your body without being noticeable.

Finally, whew, stretch marks. Though not necessarily at the top of the anti aging list, they are a common problem that folks like to address, especially as they age and become more "aware" of their bodies or pass through the child-bearing age. Stretch marks are often result from childbirth, pregnancy, weight loss and gain, and are common among body builders. Simply, stretch marks are just that, marks created when the skin stretches faster that the skin can keep-up. Elastin and collagen are not able to reproduce quickly enough to counteract the stretching and the result is scarred and torn tissue. Underlying the obvious, stretch marks core issue is elasticity and hydration. There's that word again. True, though. If you are experiencing weight gain or are pregnant, using a stretch mark cream developed to add moisture and hydration has been shown to significantly reduce or even prevent stretch marks. If you already have them, as the title of this article suggests, there are several options. Again, a stretch marks and scar cream helps increase collagen and elastin fiber production. If used with ingredients that stimulate healthy cell reproduction, consistent, disciplined use can often marks and scars. An alternative is to use soft light laser therapy. Low-level lasers emit light waves in oscillations that have been shown to stimulate cell growth and increase circulation. Used for many applications such as scars, burns, sores, and blemishes, low level "soft light" lasers have been shown effective.

Anti aging is a goal we all have and can be effectively dealt with using anti aging skin care. The reduction or elimination of wrinkles, smoother, softer clear skin, protection with antioxidant products, a firmer, tighter body and the elimination or fading of spider veins and stretch marks is possible with the right skin care products. Though it's a lot to consider, a skin care regimen focused on cleansing, moisturizing, and treating will to give you substantial short-term and long-term benefits.

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Anti-Aging Wrinkle Control - Do Anti-Aging Eye and Wrinkle Creams Really Work?

Many have taken steps early in life to start combating the process of natural aging and have worked to maintain the same youthful appearance they had in their younger years. Anti-aging eye creams, as well as anti-wrinkle care products have proven to be among the most popular for wrinkle control.

There is a wide variety of anti-wrinkle care products and anti-aging eye creams on the market today. This is simply because it is a less expensive and a more feasible option for many as opposed to botox injections or other more costly cosmetic options. Do anti-aging eye creams and anti-wrinkle care products really work? Yes, these products work. However, the difference in products can vary from one manufacturer to another. The key to finding the right one for you is to do your research or visit a dermatologist for a professional recommendation. Some anti-aging eye creams and anti-wrinkle care products work better than others. Some will implement noticeable changes, while others will affect the wrinkles subtly, with very little effect. Some treatments will work quickly and effectively, while others will work slowly and with less effectiveness.

Anti-aging eye creams and anti-wrinkle care products are perfect for those wishing to diminish the lines and wrinkles on their face, as well as moisturizing their skin at the same time. One thing to remember is that anti-aging eye creams and anti-wrinkle care products do not make the wrinkles disappear. They can look like they have disappeared, but if you do not continually use the products, eventually the wrinkles will return to their normal state. The goals of these products are to make the skin appear wrinkle free.

In combination with anti-aging creams or lotions, "dermabrasion" is a widely used treatment for wrinkles. Dermabrasion works by removing the surface layer of skin with a rotating brush then a new layer of smoother skin grows in the place of the removed layer. Another common type of anti-aging wrinkle control is "soft tissue injections" where a non-reactive substance is injected under the skin. The substance then raises the surface of the skin in the general area to be treated. Collagen is a fiber like substance most widely used for this anti-aging wrinkle treatment. Collagen is already present in skin tissue therefore does not cause any negative reaction when introduced under the skin. Another substance used in this type of treatment is self donated fat to again raise the surface of the skin in the treatment area. Lastly, "botulinum toxin" is another form of anti-aging wrinkle treatment where a toxin is injected into the muscle in and around the area of the wrinkles. Since over time the muscle contractions caused the wrinkling of the skin, the toxin will prevent the muscle from contracting thus producing the effect of the original un-wrinkled skin. However, the desired effect of immobilizing the muscle contractions only lasts for 3 to 4 months and the area must be retreated again.

Combating the aging process means taking a defensive approach and introducing helpful anti-aging eye creams or anti-wrinkle care products into your daily skin care regimen. If you desire more dramatic results, cosmetics treatments may be for you. Whichever you choose, avoiding the sun, along with a healthy diet, exercise, and the appropriate vitamins and supplements will aid in a healthier overall complexion.

Read more essential Anti-Aging Skin Care information at a favorite website for topics like Anti-Aging Cosmetic Treatments [] as well as general anti-aging lifestyle tips including Anti-Aging Diet and Weigh Loss [] information.

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Anti Aging - Are Anti Aging Creams Worth The Cost?

Anti aging creams have been flooding the markets for years because of the high demand from people who desire to look younger and beautiful. The price ranges for these products vary very much and some can be very costly. Anti aging creams have certain claims most of the time and it can be to erase wrinkles, remove dead skin and make your skin feel and look much smoother.

You can find a whole lot of anti aging products from fillers, masks to creams that claim to be able to remove age spots and to prevent or cure every sign of aging under the sun. There are also products that claim to be able to reduce the affects the sun has on the skin. If you want a remedy to any anti aging symptom, the options available today are endless.

The cost of these anti aging products are well over $100 and most people wonder if the cost or anti aging creams are worth the expense of looking younger. While most people tend to compare the price with the result, they should also compare the price with the available alternatives. Most of the popular skin care brands carry more than one product. They have an entire range of skin care and anti aging products ranging from cleaners, dermabrasion kits, moisturizers as well as those that promise to fill in the low points of the skin and remove existing wrinkles.

If you think the price of anti aging creams are high, you might want to consider the cost of Botox injections and plastic surgery which are both designed to achieve the same effect - anti aging. There are less expensive alternatives that may contain similar ingredients but if the anti aging cream is not absorbed into the skin, no amount of money is worth it.

Getting Results Make Products worth the Price

Although branding plays a huge role on our purchase decisions, we have to remind ourselves that anti aging creams from a well-known brand does not automatically make them worth the price. There should be specific ingredients in the products backed by a proven result on the health and appearance of the skin. Most anti aging creams from the well known brands contain retinol and collagen replacement ingredients. However, these creams may not have the ingredients required to keep the cream on the skin long enough to have any beneficial effect.

On the other hand, it may not always be getting what you pay for in terms of finding a good anti aging cream; it can just be a case of finding the right eraser for a particular winkle area. A person who is exposed to the sun on a daily basis for long periods of time and shows the effects of long-term exposure may not benefit from even the most expensive anti aging creams. The damage done may be beyond what many products are able to repair.

Some of the least expensive anti aging products may do well removing very small wrinkles, but when you come to think of it, both types of anti aging creams are worth the price when compared to the high cost, discomfort and possible side effects of plastic surgery or injections. Do some research and make sure you find an anti aging cream that suits your skin type so that you will be able to get the desired results.

Find out more on Anti Aging Creams [] by visiting [] a popular website that specializes in offering free Anti Aging [] tips, advice and resources.

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