Damage to the skin is built over the course of time results in the need for an anti-aging skin care product.
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Tips Perawatan Glass Skin ala Korea, Wajah Kinclong dan Kenyal!
Glass skin adalah salah satu perawatan kecantikan yang sedang tren. Perawatan ini menggambarkan kulit yang halus, tanpa pori, dan kencang. Bagaimana caranya?
5 Alasan Kenapa Kamu Perlu Antioksidan dalam Skincare
Antioksidan dapat melindungi kulit dari kerusakan oksidatif yang disebabkan oleh radikal bebas dan kerusakan lingkungan yang ada disekitarmu.
Kulit Bersih Tanpa Jerawat, Cukup Ikuti 10 Kebiasaan Ini
10 kebiasaan sehari-hari untuk mengurangi timbulnya jerawat
Pelajari 5 Cara Memperbaiki Skin Peeling yang Home-Friendly
Pelajari 5 cara memperbaiki skin peeling/ kulit mengelupas yang gak menguras dompet dan bisa diikuti secara mudah di rumah.
Bisa Bikin Awet Muda, Tips Mengurangi Kerutan di Area Mata
Sudah punya kulit yang lembab dan elastis, tapi masih enggak PD dengan kerutan di bagian mata? Kebiasaan ini bisa membantu kamu menghilangkan kerutan!
Kesalahan Pakai Sunscreen yang Bisa Bikin Wajah Jadi Kusam
Banyak orang merasa kulitnya masih terbakar meskipun sudah memakai sunscreen sebelum ke luar ruangan.
5 Cara Mudah Redakan Iritasi Kulit Wajah
Kalau kulitmu mendadak rewel, lakukan beberapa hal ini agar iritasi tak semakin parah dan pemulihannya lebih cepat!
Beberapa Penyebab Mudah Lupa di Usia Muda
Penyebab lupa pada usia muda menjadi salah satu hal yang berakibat fatal pada kesehatan. Ada baiknya untuk menghindari beberapa penyebab yang dijelaskan
Kulit Bersih Bebas Kulit Mati dengan Scrub Lembut dari Sbcskin Body Scrub Coffee
Jika kamu takut kulitmu akan iritasi akibat butiran scrub yang kasar, maka kamu tidak perlu takut menggunakan Sbcskin Body Scrub Coffee ini.
Menggunakan Baking Soda Sebagai Perawatan Wajah? Kenali Efek Sampingnya!
Apa kamu juga seseorang yang menggunakan baking soda sebagai produk perawat kulit? Sebaiknya perhatikan efek sampingnya berikut ini!
Benarkah Gonta-Ganti Skincare Bisa Menimbulkan Efek Buruk di Kulit?
Pertanyaan tentang efek buruk dari gonta-ganti skincare seringkali sulit dijawab. Coba baca penjelasan yang satu ini supaya kamu mendapatkan jawabannya!
Review Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask, Bibir Jadi Lebih Lembap dan Sehat
Jika kamu memiliki masalah dengan bibir kering dan pecah-pecah, kamu perlu mencoba Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask yang bisa membuat bibir lebih lembab dan sehat
Ucapkan Selamat Tinggal Backne dengan 5 Body Wash Ini
Rekomendasi 5 body wash untuk hilangkan jerawat punggung.
5 Manfaat Goji Berry untuk Kulit, Jadikan Wajahmu Awet Muda!
Buah goji berry yang berasal dari Cina memang dikenal mempunyai manfaat baik untuk kecantikan kulit wajah. Tapi masih ada yang lainnya, berikut manfaatnya!
10 Kebiasaan yang Memicu Munculnya Jerawat di Wajah
Walaupun sudah banyak menggunakan produk skincare untuk mengatasi jerawat di kulit wajah, terkadang malah membuat semakin berjerawat.
7 Cara Mudah Mengatasi Jerawat di Punggung
Selain melakukan perawatan seperti menggunakan sabun mandi khusus jerawat, cream untuk jerawat, obat jerawat atau lainnya, ada juga beberapa cara mudah lainnya
Kulit Kaki Kering dan Pecah-Pecah, Berikut Rekomendasi Masker Kaki untuk Melembabkan
Masker kaki adalah salah satu produk yang bisa memperbaiki kondisi kulit kaki yang kering dan pecah-pecah. Berikut rekomendasinya!
Tips Agar Body Care Cepat Membuahkan Hasil
Selain skincare, body care juga sangat diperlukan untuk tubuh. Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan agar body care cepat membuahkan hasil.
4 Kebiasaan Buruk Penyebab Skin Barrier Rusak
Skin barrier berperan penting untuk menjaga kulit tetap sehat dan stabil. Untuk itu, kita perlu menghindari penyebab kerusakan skin barrier berikut ini!
Bersihkan Kotoran Sampai ke Pori dengan Masker Charcoal Ini
Pori-pori yang membesar dipicu oleh pengendapan kotoran pada wajah. Rekomendasi masker charcoal berikut bisa mengusir kotoran sekaligus mengecilkan pori-porimu.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Pottery Class, Best Japanese Desserts & Sam Smith Concert! // MELBOURNE VLOG
Hello friends! It's my first Melbourne vlog in SUCH a long time - I had a rare (but lovely!) long weekend off, so I decided to fill it with lots of fun activities and take you guys along to show you my home city!Come with me to my first pottery class at the most aesthetic studio ever, find out where I go for the best Japanese sushi train and cheese tarts in Melbourne and sing along with me at Sam Smith's concert!Watch the video below:
Top 7 Best Instagrammable Cafes In Tokyo, Japan // Super Cute Photo Spots!
Tokyo is home to some of the cutest cafes in Japan, so it's no wonder that all of these shops make for some adorable Instagram photo opps!If you're planning a trip to Tokyo, add these cafes to your must-visit list - not only are the food, coffee and ice-cream at these hidden gems DELICIOUS, but you'll also easily get a cute pic for Insta. And why not do it for the 'gram? π ALSO! I'm heading back to Japan very soon, so if there are any cafes you think I missed - or any other cute spots! - let me know in the comments and I might visit it in a future vlog!Watch the video below:
What To Know Before Solo Travelling In Japan // Tips & Advice
Curious about what it's like to solo travel in Japan?I receive a lot of questions and DMs about my experience trekking it to Japan alone, so I put together a video of all the common things you need to know before jumping on a plane by yourself! From choosing single-friendly accomodation and eating out alone, to how to take photos by yourself and my tips on managing stressful situations solo, I hope this video helps any soon-to-be solo travellers!Watch the video below:
Hot Springs, A Cute Picnic & Fancy Japanese Food! // Birthday Weekend Vlog
What's better than your birthday falling on a weekend? Your birthday falling on a long weekend!Thank you to everyone who helped me celebrate, and hope you guys enjoy this short and sweet birthday weekend vlog! Watch the vlog below:
The First Day Of My 6th Trip To Japan! | Solo Travel Japan Vlog
Welcome to the very first episode of #hijessicaanneinjapan Season 3!After five trips to Japan, I returned to Tokyo for the SIXTH time - I CLEARLY cannot stay away from the place - for a two week stay during cherry blossom season. Watch to find out what I got up to on my first day back and stay tuned... there are heaps more daily travel vlogs to come! ALSO! I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who watched the first two seasons of my Japan solo travel vlogs - I love your excitement, enthusiasm and absolutely appreciate all of the support, comments and messages you've sent me over the past two years. I hope you love watching and coming along with me on this new series, as much as I did living it! If you have any questions about travelling to Japan, let me know in the comments below! I'd be happy to answer them and help a traveller (or traveller-to-be!) out. SUBSCRIBE // http://bit.ly/2lv49uD ___ // IN THIS VIDEO Lush Lab // https://bit.ly/2UOAceH Curry Udon Senkichi // https://bit.ly/2UtGiSu Alfred Tea Room // https://bit.ly/2uXmJms
A Sunday In Tokyo's Sleepy Little Suburb, Ebisu | Solo Travel Japan Vlog
It's day two of #hijessicaanneinjapan season 3!Come along on a super chill day in Tokyo's sleepy suburb of Ebisu, which is around a 15 minute walk from central Shibuya. It's a laidback little residential neighbourhood full of hidden-away cafes (and home to my favourite burger joint in Tokyo!) and the perfect place for a relaxing afternoon. Plus, there's a tour of my cute lil Tokyo Airbnb at the beginning of the vlog! It's located in Hatagaya in Shibuya (two stations from Shinjuku) and was a lovely base to explore Tokyo from. Enjoy the vlog! γγγͺγγζ₯½γγΏ!SUBSCRIBE // http://bit.ly/2lv49uD ___// IN THIS VIDEO The Airbnb I stayed at in Hatagaya, Shibuya // http://bit.ly/2KD2swS(Sign up for Airbnb & Get A$55 To Spend On Your First Trip! // https://bit.ly/2LfbpZO)Burger Mania // http://bit.ly/2IyOh9qMelting In The Mouth // http://bit.ly/2ZavOGeNail & Eyelash Max Kelly (Ebisu) // http://bit.ly/2IwEssNShabu Shabu On-Yasai (Shinjuku) // http://bit.ly/2UWLcXE
Visiting Tokyo’s “Little Europe”, Jiyugaoka | Solo Travel Japan Vlog
Tokyo is a city full of unique neighbourhoods, that each have their own individual personalities, vibe and aesthetic. In today's video, I took a trip to Jiyugaoka, one of the trendiest areas in Meguro, which is known as Tokyo's "Little Europe"! There I visited the Peter Rabbit Cafe, which is probably the cutest themed cafe I've ever been to in Japan, and pop into Jiyugaoka's super photogenic La Vita - a mini replica of Venice! AAAAAAND as you'll soon find out, there was a little bit of drama in this video... RIP cam!! Hope you enjoy episode 3 of #hijessicaanneinjapan season 3! SUBSCRIBE // http://bit.ly/2lv49uD // IN THIS VIDEO Peter Rabbit Garden Cafe // http://bit.ly/2IyHu0v La Vita, Jiyugaoka // http://bit.ly/2UucTmn BAKE Cheese Tart // http://bit.ly/2IJJWjT Bic Camera // http://bit.ly/2UJfpKe Daimaru Tokyo // http://bit.ly/2IuZKYB
Designer Brands, Kiddyland & Shopping in Omotesando, Tokyo | Solo Travel Japan Vlog
...Aaaaand the annual #hijessicaanneinjapan episode where I get my hair done in Tokyo and visit Kiddyland is here π After six visits to Japan, it's tradition!In today's vlog I headed (lol) to Number76 Nalu in Omotesando to get my hair cut and coloured, before popping into my favourite coffee spot in Tokyo and buying waaaaay too many nerdy knick-knacks at Kiddyland.Plus, stay tuned to the end for a lil toy unboxing and a sticker haul!Watch the video below:SUBSCRIBE // http://bit.ly/2lv49uD___ // IN THIS VIDEOHaruka Breads // http://bit.ly/2PEn46ZNumber76 Nalu Hair Salon // http://bit.ly/2XXMI9E76 Cafe // http://bit.ly/2V61s9FVintage QOO Tokyo // http://bit.ly/2vxVaAaCafe Kitsune // http://bit.ly/2IUmz8qKiddyland // http://bit.ly/2LcdDghB-Side Label // http://bit.ly/2LtSqinHarajuku Gyozaro // http://bit.ly/2vvzPrl
The “Girl’s Akihabara”, Otome Road + Pokemon Mega Centre Tokyo! | Solo Travel Japan Vlog
Calling fans of manga, anime and video games! Akihabara may be known as Tokyo's top destination for pop culture, but if you're a female fan or girl-gamer, head to Ikebukuro!Ikebukuro's "Otome Road" - otherwise known as Maiden Street - is a treasure trove of fandom goods all aimed towards girls.You can find plushies, doujinshi fan art books, accessories, stationery and SO much more; I found merch from My Hero Academia, Fruits Basket, Persona 5, The Tales Of Series, Fate... it felt endless!We also headed to The Pokemon Mega Centre Tokyo - the largest Pokemon Centre in Japan! Let's just say, stay tuned for a video later on in the #hijessicaanneinjapan series where I'll be sharing a haul including everything I bought in this vlog (it's a LOT)!Watch the vlog below:SUBSCRIBE // http://bit.ly/2lv49uD___ // IN THIS VIDEOK-Books Ikebukuro // http://bit.ly/2WCQaXaAnimate Ikebukuro // http://bit.ly/2Vqy3XNMutekiya Ramen // http://bit.ly/2V6D6HOPokemon Mega Center Tokyo // http://bit.ly/308M9fa
Inside The Studio Ghibli Museum + Tokyo Cat Cafe! | Solo Travel Japan Vlog
Even though you may not be allowed to film or take photos inside the Studio Ghibli Museum, I found an a-okay way to still share with you a little of what's inside of this notoriously-hard-to-get-tickets-to museum - watch for the reveal!What I will say now, is that if you're a fan of Studio Ghibli, this Tokyo-based museum NEEDS to be on your travel itinerary (just make sure you buy your tickets well in advance - like MONTHS in advance!). You can watch an exclusive museum-only short film in their cinema, wander through room replicas of Hayao Miyazaki and his team's animation studios, and even see a lifesize Cat Bus and eat Ghibli-themed meals in their cafe.If that wasn't cute enough, I also visited an adorable cat cafe in the nearby neighbourhood of Kichijoji - it is seriously a super kawaii way to spend an afternoon! Let me know what your favourite Studio Ghibli film is in the comments! Mine is Spirited Away, but I also love Howl's Moving Castle and My Neighbour Totoro π± Watch the video below:SUBSCRIBE // http://bit.ly/2lv49uD ___// IN THIS VIDEOPaddlers Coffee // http://bit.ly/2JlRomtGhibli Museum // http://bit.ly/2w3bSI2Cat Cafe Temari no Ouchi // http://bit.ly/2JnbpZWDelicaondoru Shin Okubo // http://bit.ly/2Ee3lX6
Taking The Shinkansen to Osaka, Airbnb Tour & Dotonbori! | Solo Travel Japan Vlog
Today we're leaving Tokyo and are off to the city of bright lights, unmissable street food and bustling nightlife - Osaka!It's around a three to four hour trip on the Bullet Train from Tokyo to Osaka, and I definitely suggest booking a JR Pass (must be purchased before arriving in Japan!) so you can catch the Shinkansen for free - it works out very affordable if you plan on travelling between cities.Plus, the 300km/h ride is suuuuper comfortable and it's lots of fun watching your surroundings zoom past! This is also my third visit to Japan's second-largest city, but it's the first time I've featured Osaka in a #hijessicaanneinjapan vlog. I can't wait to share some of my favourite spots with you! This trip I stayed in one of the most unique, and BEAUTIFUL, Airbnbs I've ever seen, which was situated in the very local neighbourhood of Nakatsu. It was a gorgeous mix of old and new Japanese architecture, and if you're looking for a fantastic place to stay in Osaka, it comes with a glowing recommendation from me!Stay tuned, more Osaka vlogs are on their way!Watch the video below:SUBSCRIBE // http://bit.ly/2lv49uD___ // IN THIS VIDEOBIO - Batonship Inn Osaka (Osaka Airbnb) // http://bit.ly/2W9BJNdChibo Okonomiyaki // http://bit.ly/2Vzl0hL
A Rainy Day At Osaka Castle + Trendy Orange Street π―π | Solo Travel Japan Vlog
In today's vlog, we're out and about in Osaka! Come along with me to the city's number one place to see - the gorgeous Osaka Castle, of course! I also spend a relaxing, rainy afternoon exploring Osaka's top street-style shopping spot, Tachibana-dori (otherwise known as Orange Street). And if you're a fan of cheesecake... lemme tell you, you need to hang around to the end of the video π€€Watch the video below:SUBSCRIBE // http://bit.ly/2lv49uD___ // IN THIS VIDEOHOOD by Vargas // http://bit.ly/30PK7ATOsaka Castle // http://bit.ly/30TWtIqOrange Street (Tachibana-dori) // http://bit.ly/2VTtS24BIOTOP Osaka // http://bit.ly/2MfarkQRikuro's Cheese Cake Shop // http://bit.ly/2YWcqvHGyukaku Japanese BBQ // http://bit.ly/2WsWS4T
A Day Trip To Kyoto’s Fushimi Inari Shrine! ⛩️ | Solo Travel Japan Vlog
After 5 trips to Japan, this was actually my very first time visiting Kyoto's magnificent Fushimi Inari Shrine! I always imagined the hike through the thousands of the iconic red gates would be too crowded to be worthwhile, but I managed to skip past the crowds and enjoy a relaxing and peaceful morning climbing to the summit of Mount Inari!If you have a half-day in Kyoto, Fushimi Inari is definitely a must-visit; the views from the mountain are spectacular, and if you arrive at the shrine early enough, you'll easily get a chance to get that famous Memoirs Of A Geisha photo opp (without ANY people in the background!).Watch the vlog below:
My Tokyo Airbnb Apartment Tour! π‘ | Solo Travel Japan Vlog
Welcome to one of the most gorgeous Airbnb apartments in Tokyo!In this week's #hijessicaanneinjapan vlog, come along as I travel from Osaka to my new home base in Tokyo - a stunning, Japanese inn-style apartment in the business district of Akasaka. If you're currently looking for accomodation for your Tokyo trip, I definitely give props to this place - it's beautiful, central and super spacious. Watch to see the tour! And if you like ramen, stay tuned to the end for a unique and absolutely delicious take on the standard dish that you may not have experienced before. Apologies in advance if you get hungry πWatch the video below:SUBSCRIBE // http://bit.ly/2lv49uD ___// IN THIS VIDEOMy Akasaka Airbnb Apartment // http://bit.ly/2ZgVgsXSign up for Airbnb & Get A$55 To Spend On Your First Trip! // https://bit.ly/2LfbpZOGanso Mentai Nikomi Tsukemen // http://bit.ly/2WYczl9
5 Shops I ALWAYS Go To In Harajuku & Takeshita Street! | Solo Japan Vlog
Whenever I go to Tokyo, I always ensure I make a stop in the fashion mecca of Harajuku! Famous for everything kawaii and colourful, it's 100% a must-visit shopping destination, and I wanted to share some of my favourite fashion and beauty stores in the area with you! Just make sure you go during the week before school's out for the day - trust me that the crowds will be too big to brave on a weekend!!Watch the video below:SUBSCRIBE // http://bit.ly/2lv49uD___ // IN THIS VIDEOWEGO // http://bit.ly/2ZuSqAsWC // http://bit.ly/2Fm2IeFStylenanda // http://bit.ly/2WR18Y3Laline // http://bit.ly/2IUXOGGAinz Tulpe // http://bit.ly/2Fg2ndBHeiroku Sushi // http://bit.ly/2Y28KZa
Thrifting, Cafes & Karaoke In Shimokitazawa, Tokyo! | Solo Travel Japan Vlog
Welcome back to Tokyo's hipster town of Shimokitazawa!After visiting this super trendy area of Tokyo - known for thrift stores and great cafes - in season two of #hijessicaanneinjapan, I 100% couldn't resist coming back again. But this time, I brought Sammie (IG: @twinbuns) and Jemma (IG: @jemma_mae_) along with me for an amazing day out vintage shopping, arcade hopping and singing our little lungs out at karaoke! And as much as I'm a tried and true fan of solo travelling, there are just some activities in Japan that are much more fun with friends - and this day was a LOT of fun! Watch the video below:SUBSCRIBE // http://bit.ly/2lv49uD ___ // IN THIS VIDEO My First Visit To Shimokitazawa (My Most Popular Vlog!) // https://youtu.be/gpdoqYB258cSammie // https://www.youtube.com/user/SammieSp... Jemma // https://www.youtube.com/user/Jemminem Chabuton (they have vegan options!) // http://bit.ly/2YfbthY Trefac Style // http://bit.ly/2KErlrs Lemonade by Lemonica // http://bit.ly/2IPr4zT Las Vegas Arcade // http://bit.ly/31Ulm7b On The Way Coffee&Cupcake // http://bit.ly/2X1FWyD Chicago Vintage // http://bit.ly/2IK5gp0 Karaoke Mac // http://bit.ly/2KCZpEh Curry House CoCo Ichibanya // http://bit.ly/2Ykmhf6
A Day Trip To Tokyo's Coastal Town, Kamakura! | Solo Travel Japan Vlog
If you're looking for an easy little escape from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo, just one hour away is the gorgeous coastal town of Kamakura!Full of Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples to explore (and LOTS of delicious street food stalls to visit on the way!), Kamakura is a quick and culture-filled day trip spot. After six visits to Japan, visiting this seaside city was heavily underlined on my to-travel-to list, and I finally made that a reality for #hijessicanneinjapan season 3! And spoiler alert, it was 100% as lovely to visit as everyone says it is. Watch the video below:SUBSCRIBE // http://bit.ly/2lv49uD ___// IN THIS VIDEOKomachi Dori // http://bit.ly/2NrMM0YImoyoshi Yakata (Croquette Shop) // http://bit.ly/2Jjyn1EVerve Coffee Roasters // http://bit.ly/2NxnA9iTsurugaoka Hachimangu // http://bit.ly/329xotlDaibutsu Great Buddha // http://bit.ly/2XnGD5v
HUGE Japan Shopping Haul 2019 + Last Day In Tokyo! | Solo Travel Japan Vlog
From fashion and beauty, to anime goodies and random items, I bought a LOT during my two week trip to Japan. And when I say a LOT, I mean I ended up having to pay $100+ in luggage overweight fees at the airport lolololololTo everyone who followed along on my sixth trip to Japan, thank you SO much! I've loved getting to know you through the comments and chatting about all things Japan with you, and even though this is the last vlog for this season of #hijessicaanneinjapan, there are still heaps of Japan videos on the way (including a giveaway - stay tuned)!If there are any travel topics you'd like me to cover in a future vid, let me know in the comments below. For now, I'll catch you in the next video! ✨Watch the video below:SUBSCRIBE // http://bit.ly/2lv49uD___// IN THIS VIDEOANA InterContinental Tokyo Hotel Airport Shuttle // http://bit.ly/2G9Gq02Aoyama Flower Market Tea House // http://bit.ly/2LLsYDiTokyo Blue Bottle Coffee // http://bit.ly/2Lh2QAG
Two Weeks Solo Travelling In Japan! π―π΅ | VLOG 2019
Three cities, 20+ hours of footage, two cameras and one girl, all squeezed into three minutes featuring all of my favourite moments from my sixth visit to Japan.WHAT. A. TRIP.A BIG thank you to everyone who watched along as every weekly episode of #hijessicaanneinjapan season three was released - I hope you enjoy looking back at the trip with me and for those travelling to Japan soon, I hope I've helped fill up that itinerary! And stay tuned... there are still lots of Japan videos to come! SUBSCRIBE // http://bit.ly/2lv49uDWatch the video below:
JAPAN GIVEAWAY! All Of My Fave Items From Japan π✨
Hello from home! This solo traveller is back in Melbourne, Australia, and as a thank you to everyone who watched along on my third #hijessicaanneinjapan vlog series, I brought back a bunch of my favourite Japanese items from my travels for a giveaway!Want to know how to enter? Check out the video below!
The Best Instagrammable Cafes In Tokyo [Pt. 2!] // Super Cute Photo Spots!
Since you loved the last Instagrammable cafes in Tokyo video from my last season of #hijessicaanneinjapan, I'm back again with part two!From 3D latte art to GIANT pink donuts, and even a cafe dedicated to a character from one of my favourite childhood storybooks, have fun adding these adorable and totally insta-friendly spots to your Tokyo itinerary!Watch the video below:SUBSCRIBE to hijessicaanne___// IN THIS VIDEO☕ Aoyama Flower Market Tea House, Akasaka☕ Paddler's Coffee, Shibuya☕ Melting In The Mouth, Hiroo☕ On The Way, Shimokitazawa☕ Reissue Latte Art, Harajuku☕ Alfred Tea Room, Aoyama☕ Peter Rabbit Garden Cafe, Jiyugaoka
Best Japanese Drugstore Beauty Products + Where To Buy!
This post is looooong overdue! Two of the most common questions I get asked is where to buy beauty products in Japan and which ones I recommend, so I finally made a video about it!Every trip I always buy a mix of Japanese, Korean and western beauty products, because there are just soooooo many brands and Japan-exclusive items that I just can’t get in Australia. Plus, they're A-MAZING. All an excuse to visit more often πWatch the video below:
Answering YOUR Questions About Travelling To Japan! | Q&A
Long time, no see! ππ»I am back with a good ‘ol Q&A, answering all of YOUR questions about travelling in Japan!From the best places to eat and different types of accomodation, to solo travel advice and which season is best to visit and more, I hope you find this video helpful when planning your trip to Japan ✨ Watch the video below:SUBSCRIBE // http://bit.ly/2lv49uD
Stay Home Routine + Easy Dumpling Recipe! π₯π‘ | VLOG
Now that we're all spending a lot more time at home, I wanted to share my very chill daily routine, and for all of you budding cooks out there, there's also a lil cooking segment on how to make my authentic - and easy! - Chinese dumplings recipe at home! π₯Because is anyone else missing going out to eat? I KNOW I AM. Also, who here is playing Animal Crossing? With everything else going on, thank GOODNESS for Animal Crossing - let me know in the comments below who your starting villagers were; mine were Fuchsia and Coach ❤️ Please stay safe and take care xx Watch the video below:
I Adopted A Cat! πΎ First Day Vlog + Supplies Haul
After literally two decades of wanting to adopt a cat - and being grounded at home for the foreseeable future - I finally decided to make that dream a reality! After many months of preparation and searching for the right feline forever friend, I finally found her; meet Bonnie! She's a black, 7-year old adult cat and is an absolute darling. I already love her so much ππI wanted to vlog our first day with her, because I was SO NERVOUS (but also super excited, of course!) about adopting a cat and in the lead up to her adoption, I spent many, many hours getting everything ready at home and doing a tonne of research, including watching countless cat-owner advice / adoption videos to prepare myself. But a lot of them were very brief or didn't show a personal experience of what to expect - so I hope that if you're looking to adopt your own fluffy companion (they're the best, and you'd be the best for doing so too ❤️), that this video helps you out! That aside, I know it's been a little while since I posted a video and caught up with you all - I miss you, and I hope you and your loved ones are all safe and healthy. Take care friends x Watch the video below:
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